Friday, 30 November 2018

The long wait

The Long wait

It was the morning of  the first of December the
boy woke and when he woke up  to open his Christmas colder and open number  1 and he new it was going to be 23 days. But he couldn't make the time go faster but he tried to make the time go
faster So he decide to throw a teens-as ball at the wall and hope the time would go faster. The night
of Christmas eve the boy rushed to eat all of his tea so he could give his parents his present from him. so he did  rush to finish his tea so he could go to bed and he fell asleep really fast so he could give his parents his preset made by him and I beat you his parents will love it.
By Sarsha

Thursday, 29 November 2018

Word Art

Word Art

Yeasterday we made word art pitchers this is my art work that i did i did to anther two ones so her is my very first one.
Then this is my second one i did but this was first one
all of these photos exsplan my patin of what i love doing and can you find my name in all of my photos wright in the commenst if you can find my name

Wednesday, 28 November 2018

 Me and my friend Trinity we tryed to do the tagle it wa s really hard but sorry there is no videoit wouldnt work for me so we took a phoat but it took half and hour to lourn I hope you people try to do it good luck you are going to need it for the tangle.

Wednesday, 21 November 2018

Actively 1 SLJ

Three facts about Maui: He wanted to go fishing with his brother but they would make an accuse not to go with him. Maui pulled the north Island out at the sea when he went fishing. Maui dreamed  of fishing with his brothers.

Friday, 16 November 2018

Wednesday, 14 November 2018

Rabbits Today our school got borut in some babies and a mum rabbit the baby rabbits were so cute and i just wanted to keep them they were so hard to not pat them. There were six baby rabbits they were all so very , very cute you would of wish you were here. That is we mosey did in the morning at school so yeah. By the way here are some photos of what i drawer the morning and i tried really hard to make it like a rabbit. Hope you liked reading it. BYE

Thursday, 8 November 2018


This is what we did yesterday it was really fun to make but i had to finish it today because i went to west coast so i had to it today i hope you like the slideshow.

Friday, 2 November 2018

This is what we have being doing this week

This is what we have being doing this week
theses are all our hallowne arts and craft staff