Wednesday, 26 August 2020

Film Festive Comments

 In room two we have been practising about writing on other schools blogs. We were practising on writing positive comments about the digital Film Festive for schools in New Zealand most of the North island though. Here are some tips when your posting comments. Always say Hello my Name is... How is your day... I like this post you need to improve on.... Hope this helped. One more tip always say have a great day.... 

Down below you will find our presentation for our work. About making really postie comments and there are some really cool videos on there so maybe cheek them out.

If I did this again I would need to improve on most of my commenst

Tuesday, 25 August 2020

 Where should chocolate be stored??

Where do you like to store your chocolate? Some people say it should be stored in a fridge and other people say it should be stored in cubes so where do you store it you ask? Your yummy chocolate should always be stored in a slightly cool , dry dark place  such as cupboards or pantries at tempertiers of 21:C to ensure the quality is compromised. (Even cadbury chocolate said that.)