Friday, 20 December 2019

summer learning journey

Summer Learning Journey Week 1 Day 3

Summer Learning Journey Week 1 Day 3

Activity 1
1. Invisibility- So I can sneak into my mums car and eat her stash of loilles
2. Mind reading- I can see what people are thinking in there head about me
3. Super speed- I can go to what ever shop i want really fast
Activity 2
Steven Adams
1. What made you want to play basketball?
2. What size shoe do you wear?
3. How tall is he?
4. If you and your sister had a race who would win?
5. What is the most poignts that you have scored in one game?
Activity 3
Mums dream job is seatin up her own cafe .
1. By sharing her photos on social media
2. so people can come and they know about her cafe
3. Doing the disadhes afterwards so she can make more
4. Doing chores so she has less things to worry about and so she can get more things done
5. standing out the front with a card sang welcome to the cafe

Thursday, 12 December 2019

Summer learing journey exploring our roots

Taika Waititi is a New Zealand filmmaker, director, actor and comedian. He has produced and/or directed a number of popular films including “Boy,” “Hunt for the Wilderpeople” and “Thor: Ragnarok.” As a child, Taika Waititi lived in Raukokore (a small town on the East Coast of New Zealand). When he graduated from secondary school Taika moved to Wellington to study drama at Victoria University. Despite moving away from home, he has never forgotten his family or his roots (where he comes from).
Speaking of roots, Taika comes from a culturally diverse family. His dad is Maori (Te Whānau-a-Apanui) and his mother is Russian-Jewish. I, on the other hand, am Pākeha (New Zealand European). Most of my ancestors come from England. When I talk about who I am, and introduce myself to others, I sometimes use a pepeha.

Thursday, 5 December 2019

Activety 1- Summer learing journey When the road hits the road

Activety 2-When the road hits the road

The amzon rainforste in the worlds largest tropicail rainforste. It is located in the South Amireca and is home to incredibly specila and unique envirominte . Unfortunatethe long-term health of the forest is at risk with hundreds of people entering the rainforest and cutting down trees without permission. 

Tuesday, 22 October 2019

Amazing race

Amazing race  

On Wednesday the 16th of October Blaketown
school was invited to the grey High school to play
the amazing race. so when we got there the high schools
paired us up in to teams and In one of the activities we had
to use chopsticks and we had to go around an obstacle course with a lolly and if we dropped the lolly we had to start all
over again. another game we played was to kick the ball
and trying to hit as many pictures as we can to get a whole lot of points. 

My favourite game was the lolly game because we had to walk around with chopsticks without dropping the lollies and at the end we also got to eat two lollies each.

Our chante is rubben sucks rubben suck he didn't give as a chant so rubben sucks rubben suck.

Friday, 27 September 2019

Monday, 23 September 2019

Wednesday, 11 September 2019

Duffy Books!

Today we got our Duffy books and we all got really excited to see what kind of books we got. My book on the right it is could lairs and the book on the left is could Savage stone age. In liars it is about this kid goes out the front because he heard a bang and it was a plane with no survivors in the plane. and Savage Stone Age is about back in the days and it is also about caveman. You only get to pick two books a term. not meany kids get books because not all schools in new Zealand are Duffy school. Also A big thank you to the Duffy people how supply our books.

Wednesday, 28 August 2019

This is my Luna mode. This term we are learning about space.

I made mine out of 4 plastic cups Tinfoil straws Popsicle sticks and a ice-cream box and some cardboard and hot glue 
we need to try and fit two Lego people inside of the lunar module

We need to try and drop the lunar model jump into the sandbox

And we also need to try and get the lunar model to balance on its own


Thursday, 1 August 2019

This is my bio poem about Jake bailey.  On Tuesday we had  Jake Bailey come to our school and he was telling us about his surgery when he was 15 years old he got diagnosed with cancer and he got told he had 2 weeks left to live but he wasn't mad or sad or Angry he was really calm because he didn't want to freak his  family out he told us to always be a young leader and not to waste our life being sad because there are  kids out in the world who has cancer and only have a couple weeks or years to live.

Monday, 29 July 2019

This is my oraa park slide show from when room 2 and room 4 went to Orana park. I hope you like my slide show I put together please tell me if anything is wrong or there are spelling mistake

My Lunar module

  1. The lunar module had four splayed out shock absorbing legs ending in a bowl shaped pods

2. The lunar module didn't have to worry about being
aerodynamic as it operated in the near vacuum 
of space present on the moon. They didn't need to consider the force of gravity.
Instead it was made boxy and chunky looking

3. One of the most important features on top of the lunar
module was the Rendezvous radar antenna.
The radar provide guidance systems to attach the lunar
module back to the CSM module.

4.To act as thermal control to protect the astronauts most
of the exterior of the lunar module was covered
in protective multi-layer insulation foil.

5. The interior of the lunar module was designed to be
operated by two astronauts standing up
. They had to remove the seats to make the craft lighter.

Thursday, 11 April 2019

Wednesday, 27 March 2019

Here is my cool video I made for my bio pome I dont now  if it is the best but this is what I did I hope you like it

Wednesday, 13 March 2019

Friday, 1 March 2019

Personal Recount

Hello My name is Sarsha. I am 10 years old I am nearly 11 .
I go to blaketown school in the west coast it isn't really wet in greymouth it is sometimes fine.
 When I am at school I like to do art and wright storeys in class.
I am in room 2 it is a very fun class I am a year 6 and I love to wright about my crazy friends.
My friends are Lily-star ,storm,morgin,aimee, sophie, Trinity ,abby ,lara,naitlera.
At morning tea i do gymnasticas or play bull rush it is really fun

I am doing at dance for my assembly next friday we have been practising
it for 3 weeks now and the dance is looking amazing we are still  working on it still it is looking better thought. .

this is my code of I did this two weeks ago and this is very hard to make it was so hard but everyone has made wrong if most people are still going on it but most people are finishing now I've only just finished today it was really hard but I got so hopefully I get better at this kind of stuff my art isn't that good but I'll get better at it everyone made a coat of had to go on a website to get the stuff so you had to look at what's mine is yours you don't put you on your friend has your pic what your best it and you know click the link and there's so many colours you have to pick 5 colours and then on the outside you can do any colours so then it will look pretty good so you really want to do a good job  caused you only get really get  1 shot at doing so I would make it count here is the link for what we used to get on their.

Thursday, 14 February 2019

Tuesday, 12 February 2019

Three little pigs guilty murder

On a quit Sunday night tragic struck the three little pigs boiled the big bad wolf alive. The three little pigs got charged for murdering someone that was being boiled alive . Know one's why they would do this to such a harmless wolf . The three bigs said that the wolf was trying to burn down there house. Toms friend  Jason the wolf said tom couldn't blow down the house because the wolf had asmer so the pigs are lying seed Jason.

Friday, 8 February 2019

Thursday, 7 February 2019

Self portraits

Learn how to make a self-portrait to communicate ideas about yourself. Talk about the artist Romero Britto and his portraits in order to develop ideas that will portray yourself. You will investigate drawing materials (pens and ink) and create a portrait using words and drawing.

You will :
  • represent yourself by writing ‘A Brand’ description of yourself
  • Investigate pen use
  • Explore the shape and form of the head draw and colour a self  portrait.

Task 3 - Watch this link to find out about
Romero Britto  who is a Brazilian neo-pop artist who lives in Miami.  
His story now complete the attached worksheet Instructions

We will work through this link together in class - should you need to revisit it this is link to help you.Self Portrait Lesson

Task One
Complete this ‘Your Brand’ Sheet Your Brand

Task Two
On some scrap paper practice drawing yourself by following the instructions of this link. How to draw a face
Task four.
Once all your work is complete - take a picture of your self portrait.


  1. The learning intentions
  2. Your information about Romero Britto
  3. Your Brand work
  4. A photo of your self portrait

Tuesday, 5 February 2019