Wednesday 27 March 2019

Here is my cool video I made for my bio pome I dont now  if it is the best but this is what I did I hope you like it

Wednesday 13 March 2019

Friday 1 March 2019

Personal Recount

Hello My name is Sarsha. I am 10 years old I am nearly 11 .
I go to blaketown school in the west coast it isn't really wet in greymouth it is sometimes fine.
 When I am at school I like to do art and wright storeys in class.
I am in room 2 it is a very fun class I am a year 6 and I love to wright about my crazy friends.
My friends are Lily-star ,storm,morgin,aimee, sophie, Trinity ,abby ,lara,naitlera.
At morning tea i do gymnasticas or play bull rush it is really fun

I am doing at dance for my assembly next friday we have been practising
it for 3 weeks now and the dance is looking amazing we are still  working on it still it is looking better thought. .

this is my code of I did this two weeks ago and this is very hard to make it was so hard but everyone has made wrong if most people are still going on it but most people are finishing now I've only just finished today it was really hard but I got so hopefully I get better at this kind of stuff my art isn't that good but I'll get better at it everyone made a coat of had to go on a website to get the stuff so you had to look at what's mine is yours you don't put you on your friend has your pic what your best it and you know click the link and there's so many colours you have to pick 5 colours and then on the outside you can do any colours so then it will look pretty good so you really want to do a good job  caused you only get really get  1 shot at doing so I would make it count here is the link for what we used to get on their.